1. 参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目,黄淮海冬养地作物多样性对轮作休耕土壤微生物群落演替的调控作用及机制,42077099,2021.01-2024.12。
2. 参与,国家产业体系专项,大豆产业体系土壤管理和轮作制度岗位科学家,CARS-04,2017.10-2027.10。
3. 参与,国务院研究室,东北黑土地保护技术模式跟踪研究,2021.09-12。
1. Shuting Yu, Tianshu Wang*, Li Wang, Shuihong Yao*, Bin Zhang. Preceding crop rotation systems shape the selection process of wheat root‑associated bacterial communities. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2024. 2095-3119.
2. Shuting Yu, Xinguo Chen, Tianshu Wang*, Shuihong Yao, Xinhua Peng. Linking main ecological clusters of soil bacterial-fungal networks and nitrogen cycling genes to crop yields under diverse cropping systems in the North China Plain. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 2024, 11, 96.
3. Shuting Yu, Tianshu Wang*, Yili Meng, Shuihong Yao, Li Wang, Haotian Zheng, Yanzheng Zhou, Zewei Song*, Bin Zhang*. Leguminous cover crops and soya increased soil fungal diversity and suppressed pathotrophs caused by continuous cereal cropping. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13, 993214.
4. 于淑婷,赵亚丽,王育红,刘卫玲,孟战赢,穆心愿,程思贤,李潮海*. 轮耕模式对黄淮海冬小麦-夏玉米两熟区农田土壤改良效应[J].中国农业科学, 2017, 50(11): 2150-2165.
5. 赵亚丽,
于淑婷 ,穆心愿,冀保毅,郭海斌,薛志伟,李潮海*. 深耕加秸秆还田下施氮量对土壤碳氮比、玉米产量及氮效率的影响[J]. 河南农业科学, 2016, 45(10):50-54.6. 邵玮玮,于淑婷,王丽,尧水红,王天舒*. 根瘤菌剂和种衣剂拌种对不同品种大豆结瘤能力和产量的影响[J].中国土壤与肥料, 2022.
7. 刘晓,王丽,王天舒,于淑婷,吴会军,李玉明,尧水红*.黄淮海耐压实大豆品种的初步筛选及根系特征分析[J].大豆科学, 2020,39(03):329-340.
8. 弓凤莲*,杨义,于淑婷,王强. 市政污泥堆肥过程参数变化及腐熟度综合评价[J]. 中国给水排水, 2014, (21):128-131.