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发布时间:2023-03-08 18:22    浏览次数:
2020.11—今 河南农业大学,讲师、校聘教授
2016.09—2020.09 中国科学院南京土壤研究所,博士
2018.09—2019.09 美国佐治亚大学,联合培养博士
2013.09—2016.07 中国科学院南京土壤研究所,硕士
2009.09—2013.07 河南大学,学士
1. 主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目:生物降解塑料及其产物介导土壤抗生素抗性基因形成与传播的机制研究,2023.01—2025.12,在研;
2. 主持,河南省自然科学基金青年项目:合成微生物群落修复高分子量多环芳烃污染土壤的机理研究,2022.01—2023.12,结项;
3. 主持,河南农业大学拔尖人才项目,2020.11—2025.11,在研;
4. 参与,河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划:微塑料种类和浓度对潮土有机碳转化的影响特征及机制研究,2023.01—2024.12,在研;
5. 参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目: 碳纳米材料对紫花苜蓿根际降解多环芳烃的调控机制研究,2019/01-2022/12,结项;
6. 参与,国家重点研发计划项目:华东废旧电器拆解场地污染区修复技术集成与工程示范,2020/01-2023/12,结项。 

[1] Wang B, Teng Y, Li R, Meng K, Xu Y, Liu S, Luo Y. Exploring the PAHs dissipation and indigenous bacteria response in soil amended with two different microbial inoculants. Science of the Total Environment.2023, 859, 160186. (SCI 一区Top,IF 9.8)
[2] Wang B, Wang P, Zhao S, Shi H, Zhu Y, Teng Y, Jiang G, Liu S. Combined effects of microplastics and cadmium on the soil-plant system: Phytotoxicity, Cd accumulation and microbial activity. Environmental pollution 2023, 121960. (SCI 二区Top,IF 8.9)
[3] Wang B, Shi H, Habteselassie M Y, Deng X, Teng Y, Wang Y, Huang Q. Simultaneous removal of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium, antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes from water by electrooxidation on a Magneli phase Ti4O7 anode. Chemical Engineering Journal.2021, 407, 127134. (SCI 一区Top,IF 16.744)
[4] Wang B, Teng Y, Yao H, Christie P. Detection of functional microorganisms in benzene a pyrene-contaminated soils using DNA-SIP technology. Journal of hazardous materials. 2021, 407, 124788. (SCI 一区Top,IF 14.224)
[5] Wang B, Teng Y, Xu Y F, Chen W, Ren W J, Li Y, Christie P, Luo Y M. Effect of mixed soil microbiomes on pyrene removal and the response of the soil microorganisms. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 640, 9-17. (SCI 一区Top,IF 9.8)
[6] Wang B, Liu W X, Liu X Y, Franks A E, Teng Y, Luo Y M. Comparative analysis of microbial communities during enrichment and isolation of DDT-degrading bacteria by culture-dependent and -independent methods. Science of the Total Environment. 2017, 590, 297-303.
[7] Wang B, Wang Q L, Liu W X, Liu X Y, Hou J Y, Teng Y, Luo Y M, Christie P. Biosurfactant-producing microorganism Pseudomonas sp. SB assists the phytoremediation of DDT-contaminated soil by two grass species. Chemosphere. 2017, 182, 137-142.
[8] Wan H, Wang R, Wang B, Zhang K, Shi H, Wang H. A Case Study of Swine Wastewater Treatment via Electrochemical Oxidation by Ti4O7 Anode. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022, 19 (21), 13840.
[9] Wang R, Wan H, Wang B, Zhang K, Shi H, Zhang W, Tang J, Wang H, Gao S, Huang Q. Mechanistic study of electrooxidation of coexisting chloramphenicol and natural organic matter: Performance, DFT calculation and removal route. Separation and Purification Technology. 2023, 306, 122584.
[10] 王沛恒, 王树楠, 王贝贝, 赵世博, 刘世亮, 赵颖, 滕应. 老化微塑料吸附重金属镉及其毒性效应. 环境化学. 2023, 42 (06), 1803-1812. (北大核心)